Dialysis RN

Dialysis RN

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Self-Assessment Rating Scale:

    No Experience
    Theory or observation only during the past 12 months

    Limited Experience
    Performed less than 12 times within the past 12 months and may need a review

    Performed at least once per month within the past 12 months and may need minimal assistance

    Highly Skilled
    Performed on at least a weekly basis over the past 12 months; proficient
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - A-V Fistula
    Assessment - Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
    Assessment - Fluid Status
    Assessment - Renal/GU System
    Assist With Supra-Pubic Tap
    Care of Child - Acute Renal Failure
    Care of Child - CAVH
    Care of Child - Diabetes Insipidus
    Care of Child - Glomerulanephritis
    Care of Child - Hemodialysis
    Care of Child - Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)
    Care of Child - Illeal Conduit Urethral
    Care of Child - Infantile Polycystic Disease
    Care of Child - Kidney Transplant
    Care of Child - Nephrotic Syndrome
    Care of Child - Peritoneal Dialysis
    Care of Child - Renal Failure
    Care of Child - SIADH
    Care of Patient - Acute Renal Failure
    Care of Patient - CAVH Dialysis
    Care of Patient - Chronic Renal Failure
    Care of Patient - Hemodialysis
    Care of Patient - Illeal Conduit
    Care of Patient - Nephrectomy
    Care of Patient - Nephrostomy Tube
    Care of Patient - Peritoneal Dialysis
    Care of Patient - Peritoneal Lavage
    Care of Patient - Renal Rejection Syndrome
    Care of Patient - Renal Transplant
    Care of Patient - Renal Trauma
    Care of Patient - Supra-Pubic Catherter
    Care of Patient - Tunneled/Non-Tunneled Catheter
    Care of Patient - Urinary Tract Infection
    Insert and Care for 3-way Foley
    Insert and Care for Supra-Pubic Catheter
    Interpret - BUN and Creatinine
    Interpret - Serum Electrolytes
    Interpret - Urine Analysis
    Perform - Insert and Care for Foley
    Perform - Manual CAPD Administration
    Perform - Peritoneal Dialysis Via Automatic Cycler
    Perform - Urine Specimen Collection (24-hr)
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Acute/Inpatient Dialysis
    Assess Patient/Equipment During Dialysis - Administration of Blood Products
    Assess Patient/Equipment During Dialysis - Administration of Mannitol
    Assess Patient/Equipment During Dialysis - Arterial and Venous Pressures
    Assess Patient/Equipment During Dialysis - Blood Flow Rate
    Assess Patient/Equipment During Dialysis - Conductivity
    Assess Patient/Equipment During Dialysis - Documentation of Dialysis Treatment
    Assess Patient/Equipment During Dialysis - Management of Anticoagulation
    Assess Patient/Equipment During Dialysis - Operation of Myron L. Meter
    Assess Patient/Equipment During Dialysis - Sequential Ultrafiltration/UPF
    Assess Patient/Equipment During Dialysis - Subjective Response to Treatment
    Assess Patient/Equipment During Dialysis - Systems Assessment of Patient
    Assess Patient/Equipment During Dialysis - Ultrafiltration Calculation
    Assess Patient/Equipment During Dialysis - Vascular Access Function
    Assess Patient/Equipment During Dialysis - Volume Status
    Chronic/Outpatient Dialysis
    Discontinue Dialysis - Dialysis Catheter
    Discontinue Dialysis - Equipment Clean Up
    Discontinue Dialysis - Fistula/Vein Graft
    Discontinue Dialysis - Post Treatment Access Care
    Discontinue Dialysis - Return of Blood
    Discontinue Dialysis - Sterilization Procedures
    Machine Alarm/Troubleshooting - Air/Foam Detector Alarm
    Machine Alarm/Troubleshooting - Arterial Pressure Alarm
    Machine Alarm/Troubleshooting - Blood Leak Alarm
    Machine Alarm/Troubleshooting - Blood Pump Alarm
    Machine Alarm/Troubleshooting - Conductivity Alarm
    Machine Alarm/Troubleshooting - High Temperature Alarm
    Machine Alarm/Troubleshooting - Ultrafiltration Alarm
    Machine Alarm/Troubleshooting - Venous Pressure Alarm
    Management of Patient With - Air Embolus
    Management of Patient With - Anemia
    Management of Patient With - Cardiopulmonary Arrest
    Management of Patient With - Chest Pain
    Management of Patient With - Clotted Access/Poor Blood Flow Rate
    Management of Patient With - Disequilibrium Syndrome
    Management of Patient With - Filter Blood Leak
    Management of Patient With - Fluid Overload
    Management of Patient With - Hemolysis
    Management of Patient With - Hyperkalemia
    Management of Patient With - Hypertension
    Management of Patient With - Hypotension
    Management of Patient With - Muscle Cramps
    Management of Patient With - Neuropathy
    Management of Patient With - Pericarditis
    Management of Patient With - Pyrogenic Reaction
    Management of Patient With - Seizures
    Pediatric Dialysis
    Pre-Dialysis Nursing Assessment
    Setup/Initiate Dialysis Treatment - Anticoagulation
    Setup/Initiate Dialysis Treatment - Bicarbonate Dialysate
    Setup/Initiate Dialysis Treatment - Check for Machine/Alarm Settings
    Setup/Initiate Dialysis Treatment - Collect Blood Specimens
    Setup/Initiate Dialysis Treatment - Conductivity Testing
    Setup/Initiate Dialysis Treatment - Dialysis
    Setup/Initiate Dialysis Treatment - Fistula Gortex/Bovine Graft
    Setup/Initiate Dialysis Treatment - Prep Vascular Access
    Setup/Initiate Dialysis Treatment - Priming Dialyzer
    Teaching Dialysis to Patient and Family
  • Clear Signature

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