Intensive Care RN

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Self-Assessment Rating Scale:

    No Experience
    Theory or observation only during the past 12 months

    Limited Experience
    Performed less than 12 times within the past 12 months and may need a review

    Performed at least once per month within the past 12 months and may need minimal assistance

    Highly Skilled
    Performed on at least a weekly basis over the past 12 months; proficient
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Ausculation (rate, rhythm, volume)
    Assessment - Blood Pressure/Invasive (A-Line)
    Assessment - Heart Sounds/Murmurs
    Assessment - Perfusion
    Assist with Arterial Line Insertion
    Assist with Setup/Insertion of Cardioversion
    Assist with Setup/Insertion of PA Catheter/Swan - Ganz
    Assist with Setup/Insertion of Pacemaker
    Care of Patient - Abdominal Aortic Bypass
    Care of Patient - Acute MI
    Care of Patient - Cardiac Arrest
    Care of Patient - Cardiac Tamponade
    Interpret - Cardiac Enzymes
    Interpret - Coagulation Studies
    Medications - Heparin Drip
    Medications - Thrombolytic Therapy
    Monitoring - A - Line (radial)
    Monitoring - Arrhythmia Interpretation
    Monitoring - Cardiac Index
    Monitoring - Cardiac Output
    Monitoring - CVP
    Monitoring - Intra Aortic Balloon Pump
    Monitoring - MAP
    Monitoring - Pulmonary Artery/Capillary Wedge
    Monitoring - PVR
    Monitoring - Right Arterial/Left Arterial
    Monitoring - Swan-Ganz
    Pacemaker - External
    Pacemaker - Permanent
    Perform - CAVH - D
    Perform - Controlled Cardioversion
    Perform - Emergency Defibrillation
    Perform - Setup and Run 12-Lead EKG
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Airway Management - Endotracheal/Suctioning
    Airway Management - Nasal/Suctioning
    Airway Management - Tracheostomy/Suctioning
    Assessment - Breath Sounds
    Assessment - Rate and Work of Breathing
    Assist with Emergency Tracheostomy
    Assist with Intubation
    Assist with Removal of Chest Tube
    Assist with Setup/Insertion of Chest Tube
    Assist with Thoracentisis
    Care of Patient - Lobectomy
    Care of Patient - On Ventilator
    Care of Patient - Pneumonectomy
    Care of Patient - Pneumothorax
    Care of Patient - Pulmonary Embolism
    Chest Tube - Use of Pleurevac or Thoraclex
    Chest Tube - Use of Water Seal Drainage System
    Establishing an Airway
    Interpret - Arterial Blood Gases
    Perform - Chest Physiotherapy
    Perform - Obtain Sputum Specimen
    Teach and Understand Incentive Spirometry
    Ventilator - Pressure Support
    Ventilator Care - CPAP/PEEP
    Ventilator Care - High Frequency Jet Ventillator
    Ventilator Care - IMV
    Ventilator Care - Oscillating
    Ventilator Care - Pressure Ventilator
    Ventilator Care - Volume Ventilator
    Ventilator Care - Weaning
  • No ExperienceLimited ExpeirenceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Cranial Nerves
    Assessment - Glascow Coma Scale
    Assessment - Reflex/Motor Deficits
    Assessment - Visual or Communication Deficits
    Assist with Lumbar Puncture
    Care of Patient - Coma
    Care of Patient - CVA
    Equipment - Hyper/Hypothermia Blanket
    ICP Management - Medications
    ICP Management - Monitoring
    ICP Management - Regulation of ICP
    ICP Management - Temperature Control
    Medications - Barbituate Induced Coma
    Medications - Epidural Administration
  • No ExpeirenceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Abdominal/Bowel Sounds
    Assessment - Nutrition
    Care of Patient - Colostomy
    Care of Patient - GI Bleeding
    Care of Patient - Liver Failure
    Care of Patient - Balloon Tamponade
    Equipment - Feeding Pump
    Equipment - Flexible Feeding Tube (e.g. Corpak)
    Interpret - Blood Chemistry
    Monitoring - Gastrostomy Tube
    Monitoring - Penrose Drain
    Perform - Administer Tube Feeding
    Perform - Placement of NG Tube
    Interpret - Blood Chemistry
    Perform - Setup and Administer TPN/Lipids
    Perform - Test for Occult Blood
    Perform - Wound Irrigation/Dressing Change
  • No ExperienceLimited ExpeirenceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - A-V Fistula
    Assessment - Fluid Status
    Assessment - Renal/GU System
    Care of Patient - A-V Fistula/A-V Graft
    Care of Patient - Chronic Renal Failure
    Care of Patient - Nephrectomy
    Insert and Care for Supra-Pubic Catheter
    Interpret - BUN and Creatine
    Interpret - Serum Electrolytes
    Interpret - Urinalysis
    Perform - Insert and Care for Foley
    Perform - Manual CAPD Administration
    Perform - Peritoneal Dialysis via Automatic Cycler
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Finnegan
    Assessment - Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
    Assessment - S/S Diabetic Coma
    Assessment - S/S Insulin Reaction
    Care of Patient - Indwelling Insulin Pump
    Interpret - Blood Glucose
    Interpret - Thyroid Studies
    Medications - Insulin
    Medications - Insulin Administration - IV Drip
    Medications - Insulin Pump
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Pain Level/Tolerance
    Care of Patient - Epidural Anesthesia/Analgesia
    Care of Patient - IV Concscious Sedation
    Care of Patient - Narcotic Analgesia
    Care of Patient - Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA)
  • Clear Signature

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