Pediatric RN

Pediatric RN

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Self-Assessment Rating Scale:

    No Experience
    Theory or observation only during the past 12 months

    Limited Experience
    Performed less than 12 times within the past 12 months and may need a review

    Performed at least once per month within the past 12 months and may need minimal assistance

    Highly Skilled
    Performed on at least a weekly basis over the past 12 months; proficient
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Auscultation (rate, rhythm, volume)
    Assessment - Blood pressure/non-invasive
    Assessment - Perfusion
    Care of child - Bacterial endocarditis
    Care of child - Cardiac arrest
    Care of child - Cardiomyopathy
    Care of child - Congenital heart defects
    Care of child - Congestive heart failure
    Care of child - Myocarditis
    Care of child - Pericarditis
    Care of child - Post cardiac cath
    Care of child - Post cardiac surgery
    Care of child - Rheumatic fever
    Care of child - Shock
    Interpret - Arterial blood gases
    Interpret - Hemoglobin and hematocrit
    Medications - Digoxin
    Monitoring - Basic 12 lead interpretation
    Monitoring - Cardiac output
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Airway management - Nasal/suctioning
    Airway management - Oropharyngeal/suctioning
    Airway management - Tracheostomy/suctioning
    Apnea monitor
    Assessment - Breath sounds
    Assessment - Rate and work of breathing
    Care of child - Asthma
    Care of child - Bronchiolitis (RSV)
    Care of child - Bronchopulmonary dysplasia BPD)
    Care of child - Cystic fibrosis
    Care of child - Epiglottitis
    Care of child - LTB/croup
    Care of child - Pertussis
    Care of child - Pneumonia
    Care of child - Tonsillitis
    Care of child - Tuberculosis
    Chest tube - Use of Pleurevac or Thoraclex
    Chest tube - Use of water seal drainage system
    End tidal CO2
    Medications - Alupent
    Medications - Aminophylline
    Medications - Isuprel
    Medications - Ventolin
    Oxygen therapy and medication delivery via bulb syringe
    Oxygen therapy and medication delivery via face mask
    Oxygen therapy and medication delivery via isolette
    Oxygen therapy and medication delivery via nasal cannula
    Oxygen therapy and medication delivery via oxyhood
    Oxygen therapy and medication delivery via tent
    Oxygen therapy and medication delivery via trach collar
    Perform - Chest physiotherapy
    Pulse oximetry
    Water seal drainage system
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Level of consciousness
    Assist with lumbar puncture
    Care of child - Closed head trauma
    Care of child - Encephalitis
    Care of child - Febrile seizures
    Care of child - Meningitis
    Care of child - Multiple sclerosis
    Care of child - Near drowning
    Care of child - Neuromuscular disease
    Care of child - Spinal cord injury
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Abdominal/bowel sounds
    Care of child - Cleft lip/palate
    Care of child - Colostomy
    Care of child - Failure to thrive (FTT)
    Care of child - Gastroenteritis/dehydration
    Care of child - GI bleeding
    Care of child - Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)
    Care of child - Pyloric stenosis
    Care of child - Surgical abdomen
    Care of child - Ulcerative colitis
    Equipment - Penrose drains
    Feedings - Bottle
    Feedings - Breast
    Feedings - Gastrostomy/button
    Feedings - Gavage
    Perform - NG and sump tubes to suction
    Perform - Placement of NG tube
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Fluid and electrolyte balance
    Assist with supra-pubic tap
    Care of child - Glomerularnephritis
    Care of child - Hemodialysis
    Care of child - Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)
    Care of child - Ileal conduit urethral
    Care of child - Kidney transplant
    Care of child - Peritoneal dialysis
    Care of child - Renal failure
    Care of child - Urinary tract infection
    Care of child - Wilms tumor
    Interpret - BUN and creatinine
    Interpret - Serum electrolytes
    Interpret - Urinalysis
    Perform - Insert and care for Foley
    Perform - Urine specimen collection (routine)
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Fluid and electrolyte balance
    Care of child - Adrenal disorder
    Care of child - Juvenile diabetes
    Care of child - Pituitary disorders
    Interpret - Blood glucose
    Medications - Insulin
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Nutritional status
    Care of child - Anemia
    Care of child - Hemophilia
    Care of child - Hodgkin's disease
    Care of child - Infectious mononucleosis
    Care of child - Leukemia
    Care of child - Malignant tumors
    Care of child - Sickle cell anemia
    Care of child - Spleen trauma/splenectomy
    Interpret - Blood counts
    Perform - Reverse isolation
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Care of child - AIDS
    Care of child - Childhood communicable diseases
    Care of child - Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
    Care of child - Hepatitis
    Care of child - Kawasaki disease
    Care of child - Lyme disease
    Interpret - Blood counts
    Perform - Fever management
    Perform - Isolation
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Circulation checks
    Assessment - Range of motion
    Care of child - Pinned fractures
    Equipment - Support device - Traction
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Skin for impending breakdown
    Assessment - Surgical wound healing
    Care of child - 1st degree burns
    Care of child - 2nd degree burns
    Care of child - 3rd degree burns
    Care of child - Pressure sores
    Care of child - Staged decubitis ulcers
    Equipment - Air fluidized, low air loss beds
    Perform - Sterile dressing change
    Perform - Wound care/irrigation
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Pain level/tolerance
    Care of child - IV conscious sedation
    Care of child - Narcotic analgesia
    Care of child - Epidural anesthesia/analgesia
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Care of child - Peripheral line/dressing
    Care of child - Portacath
    Perform - Administer hyperalimentation/TPN
    Perform - Administer packed RBC's
    Perform - Draw blood from central line
    Perform - Draw venous blood
    Perform - Start IV (heparin lock)
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Immunization schedule
    Assessment - Normal growth and development
    Assessment - Recognize signs of abuse or neglect
    Care of child - ENT surgery
    Care of child - Eye surgery
    Care of child - Ingestion of foreign body
    Care of child - Ingestion of poison or toxin
    Care of child - Plastic surgery
  • Clear Signature

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