PostPartum/AntePartum/Nursery RN

Postpartum RN

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Self-Assessment Rating Scale:

    No Experience
    Theory or observation only during the past 12 months

    Limited Experience
    Performed less than 12 times within the past 12 months and may need a review

    Performed at least once per month within the past 12 months and may need minimal assistance

    Highly Skilled
    Performed on at least a weekly basis over the past 12 months; proficient
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Ballard scale
    Assessment - Bladder distention
    Assessment - Breast engorgement
    Assessment - Breast feeding - Latch on
    Assessment - Breast feeding - Positioning
    Assessment - Circumference
    Assessment - Dubowitz scale
    Assessment - Length
    Assessment - Neonatal Jaundice
    Assessment - Reflexes
    Assessment - Vital Signs
    Assessment - Weight
    Assist with circumcision - Assess site post op
    Assist with circumcision - Teach circumcision care to patients
    Perform - Administer injections
    Perform - Bathe Infant
    Perform - Culture suspect infectious neonate
    Perform - Discharge procedure
    Perform - Incubator/Isolettes
    Perform - Phototherapy
    Perform - Infant Identification
    Perform - Monitor bladder and bowel patterns
    Perform - Neonate CPR
    Perform - Obtain urine specimen
    Perform - Test stool for blood
    Perform - Test stool for reducing substances
    Perform - Thermo-neutral environment
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - DVT
    Assessment - Episiotomy
    Assessment - Fluid Balance
    Assessment - Fundal Height
    Assessment - GI Function Post Anesthesia
    Assessment - Locia Amount
    Assessment - Maternal Vital Signs
    Assessment - Locia amount
    Assessment - Maternal Vital Signs
    Assessment - Parental/Infant Interaction
    Assessment - Perineum for Hematoma
    Care of Patient - Cesarean section
    Care of Patient - Diabetes mellitus
    Care of Patient - Infectious disease
    Care of Patient - Known substance abuse
    Care of Patient - Multiple births
    Care of Patient - Post tubal litigation
    Care of Patient - Pregnancy induced hypertension
    Care of Patient - Spontaneous vaginal delivery
    Interpret - Check Urine for Glucose
    Interpret - Check Urine for Ketones
    Interpret - Check Urine for Protein
    Interpret - Check Urine for Specific Gravity
    Medications - Antibiotics
    Medications - Diluted oxytocin infusion
    Medications - IM Administration
    Medications - Rhogam Administration/Teaching
    Perform - Adult CPR
    Perform - Contraceptive Counseling
    Perform - Infant care restraint systems
    Perform - Infant caretaking skills
    Perform - Perineal care
    Perform - Discharge Teaching
    Perform - Foley and Straight catheter insertion
    Perform - Formula preparation and feeding
    Perform - Foster parental-infant attachment
    Perform - Fundal Massage
    Perform - Post Anesthesia Care - Epidural
    Perform - Post Anesthesia Care - General
    Perform - Post Anesthesia Care - Local
    Perform - Post Anesthesia Care - Spinal
    Perform - Post cesarean care
    Perform - Sitz Bath
    Perform - Teaching and Assist with breastfeeding - Latch-on Procedure
    Perform - Teaching and Assist with breastfeeding - Positioning
    Perform - Teaching and Assist with breastfeeding - Use of electric breast pump
    Perform - Teaching and Assist with breastfeeding - Use of manual
    Breast Pump
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Pain level/tolerance
    Care of Patient - Epidural anesthesia/analgesia
    Care of Patient - IV Conscious Sedation
    Care of Patient - Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA)
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Site and patency
    Care of Patient - Central line/catheter/dressing
    Care of Patient - Peripheral line/dressing
    Perform - Administer Packed RBC's
    Perform - Administer Plasma/Albumin
    Perform - Draw blood from central line
    Perform - Draw venous blood
    Perform - Start IV (heparin lock)
    Perform -
  • Clear Signature

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