Are we the right fit for each other?

We know we’re not the right fit for everyone.
And we think that’s just fine. Here are a few ways to tell if we’re a good fit for each other:


You hate the hard sell

We don’t envy you. So many staffing companies, so many pros and cons to weigh, so little time. You can tell when a recruiter’s way more in it for him or herself than for you. But we couldn’t do that and sleep at night. So, our focus (no pun intended) is: you first.


You have a little rebel in you

Whether you’d be first in line to volunteer for a Mars mission or you have a slightly less “out-there” sense of adventure—we’re happy to help you discover your inner-explorer/rebel self. We’re one-half encourager, one-half enabler, one-half rescue squad. That makes us 150% for you.


You want more from life than a paycheck

If you want to be treated like a person, not a commodity, if you value honesty, thoroughness, and candor more than shiny bells-and-whistles, we’re for you.


You crave honesty and an authentic experience

Yeah, we know chances are you’re somewhat of a double-dog-dare taker, stand-on-your-own-two-feet type. But, we also know it’s your butt on the line, not ours. That’s why we think you deserve the unvarnished truth about the job you’ll be taking and the place you’ll be living. Then, the choice is yours.


You don’t want to go it alone

Even the most intrepid astronaut likes knowing that ground control is there 24x7x365. Someone to fall back on, to talk to, who cares. A lifeline. We put ourselves in your shoes and keep in mind that you’ve chosen this lifestyle over a safer, steadier gig, because you want it… but also because you trust us to be there. And we will. We’ll always have your back.

Still not convinced? How about this:


We have jobs across the nation.

That’s right. All fifty states in this great union.


Various-length assignments.

The average is 13 weeks, but we have many options.


Competitive pay & benefits.

Money don’t buy you happiness. But it buys donuts, and that’s basically the same thing.


Tax-free reimbursements.

You paid for it up-front, we’ve got your back. No hassles.


Housing options galore.

House, apartment, bus, park bench… whatever you call home.


Loyalty bonuses.

If you're loyal to us, we gotta be loyal back. Work a year with us and get bonused for it!


Car / airfare when needed.

Not local to your awesome new job? No problem, let us know and we’ll get you there.


Get paid weekly.

You know what’s better than getting paid regularly? Getting paid really regularly.



Think about your future. We do.



Check, check, check, and… check! We’ve got you covered starting day one.


Licensure reimbursement.

Getting yourself into some new areas of expertise? Awesome. We love us some experts!


Awesome team backing you up.

Things don’t always go to plan, but no matter what, we have your back. That’s our promise.

Ready to get rolling?

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