Do I Need to Quit My Permanent Job to Start Traveling?


Deciding on a travel healthcare career can be a big decision. Especially if you currently have a full-time job in a hospital, clinic or practice.

For many, the call of the road as a traveling healthcare professional is too much to pass up. A traveling healthcare career can be very rewarding for many different healthcare disciplines, including nurses, therapists, techs, and more.

But let’s get back to the original question – should you quit your full-time healthcare job to be a contract travel professional? The decision is ultimately yours – so here are some important things to consider:


As a travel healthcare professional, what you lose by not having the security of a traditional full-time permanent position, you gain in personal and professional flexibility. A permanent position typically has set days off for an employee. With travel healthcare, you have the luxury to work when and where you want. Many traveling professionals often take time off between jobs to enjoy long road trips between locations as well as visit friends and family.

Go Where you Want

If you love exploring new places – versus working in the same hospital, clinic or practice every day – traveling may be a great career for you. As a healthcare professional you’re eligible to work in any state in which you’re licensed. Deciding where the best place to go is up to you – and it’s always a great idea to speak to a recruiter to see where you’re likely to get a travel position you want. They’ll discuss your qualifications and see what positions are open and in what states. Once you’re licensed in a state, you’re good to go!

The Money is Good

Working fewer hours and making more money is appealing to many healthcare workers. As a travel healthcare professional, you’re in high demand, which drives up your salary – even if you want to work less than a full week. You’re entitled to nontaxable stipends, including housing, meals, and travel. The hourly salary for a traveling healthcare professional may actually be lower than a permanent position – but the nontaxable stipends are how travel healthcare professionals end up making more money.

Work Where you Can Make a Difference

Even before COVID-19, there’s been a steady need for healthcare professionals across the U.S., simply due to the fact that there are more available jobs than candidates. However, some communities suffer due to a lack of available healthcare professionals in their area. Being a traveler allows you to temporarily work at a place in need and be able to help underserved communities where you can really make a difference. Travel healthcare positions allow these communities to have access to health services that are desperately needed.

Say “Bye Bye” to Meetings

Most healthcare employers don’t want to pay a traveler to sit in meetings. So you can provide your patients with skilled treatment, give them more personalized attention, and when your shift is over, go home! You may work harder and faster than you would at a permanent gig, but by not having to participate in meetings and other non-patient-care tasks, you may feel less stressed since you’ll be avoiding the drama and politics of the workplace.

Focus Staff offers some of the finest career guidance and career opportunities for traveling healthcare professionals. To see what we can do for you, contact us today.

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