Why Traveling as an Ultrasound Tech Could Be the Best Decision you Make


Ultrasound technicians continue to be at the forefront of critical healthcare and disease prevention. For traveling professionals, the field of ultrasound technology is not only fulfilling, but you’ll get to visit different cities and experience the protocol at various facilities. Traveling ultrasound techs have the opportunity to make numerous professional contacts, and this field provides many ways to advance your career.  

Wondering what career choices you may have? A career in ultrasounds offers a wide range of specialties; a few possible jobs are diagnostic medical sonographers,  ultrasonographers, ultrasound technologists, and more.   

Excellent Career Opportunities for Healthcare Travel Pros 

A traveling ultrasound technician remains a growing medical career and is an interesting, challenging occupation. Rather than working for a single employer, the traveling ultrasound tech works for many employers (hospitals, clinics, emergency departments, physician’s offices) who need to temporarily fill a vacant position or better manage a workload.  

For example you could be hired to fill vacant slots or cover positions due to temporary leave or vacations. Or be asked to deliver mobile ultrasound imaging services. For many, this is the ideal working arrangement because you have more control over work schedules which makes balancing a career and personal life easier. 

Here are some benefits to pursuing a traveling ultrasound career path:  

  • Choice: You can choose from a variety of work assignments 
  • Control: Travelers can control their work schedule since you can accept or reject work assignments  
  • Full-Time or Part-Time: There is often a choice to work full-time or part-time – and you can limit the amount of shift work 
  • Work Experience: You’ll gain experience working in a variety of healthcare settings  
  • Expand your Horizons: You can perform a wider variety of ultrasound imaging procedures since travelers are not limited to a single department or location 
  • Make a Difference: As a traveling ultrasound professional, you can accept assignments where there’s a true need for your healthcare services 
  • More $$$: Travel professionals can often earn more when working with a temporary agency since travel expenses are covered 

What About Education? 

It’s been said that no one should ever stop learning, and thats true for ultrasound technicians – no matter your level of experience. Whether you’re looking to complete a bachelor’s degree from an associate degree or want to pursue a masters, receiving another degree can open up more job opportunities. Understanding the level of education needed based on your career path starts with researching the various areas of study at the school or program of your choice.  Take the time to consider your options – and don’t forget to look into financial aid programs.  

Summing it Up 

There are many reasons a career as a traveling ultrasound tech could be a great move. It’s a field that offers good earning potential and the opportunity for advancement. Its a challenging and interesting profession with a very wide variety of specialties.  Ultrasound also offers traveling positions all over the country where hospitals and medical offices fill temporary needs. These jobs allow healthcare professionals to see the world and experience multiple care and specialty levels 

At Focus Staff, we offer the career guidance you need to pursue a career as a traveling ultrasound technician. We understand the ins and outs of traveling healthcare professionals and have access to a wide variety of professional opportunities. To learn more, contact us today.   

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