Telemetry RN

Telemetry RN

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Self-Assessment Rating Scale:

    No Experience
    Theory or observation only during the past 12 months

    Limited Experience
    Performed less than 12 times within the past 12 months and may need a review

    Performed at least once per month within the past 12 months and may need minimal assistance

    Highly Skilled
    Performed on at least a weekly basis over the past 12 months; proficient
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Auscultation (rate, rhythm)
    Assessment - Blood pressure/non-invasive
    Assessment - Doppler
    Assessment - Heart sounds/murmurs
    Assessment - Perfusion
    Assessment - Pulses/circulation
    Assist with code
    Care of patient - Acute MI
    Care of patient - Angina
    Care of patient - Congestive heart failure
    Care of patient - Post angioplasty
    Care of patient - Post cardiac surgery
    Care of patient - Thrombophlebitis
    Medications - Oral and IVP antihypertensives
    Medications - Oral and topical nitrates
    Medication - Oral anticoagulants
    Monitoring - Arrhythmia interpretations
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Airway Management - Nasal/suctioning
    Airway Management - Tracheostomy/suctioning
    Airway Management - Breath sounds
    Assessment - Rate and work of breathing
    Assist with intubation
    Assist with removal of chest tube
    Assist with setup/insertion of chest tube
    Care of patient - COPD
    Care of patient - Pneumonia
    Care of patient - Pulmonary embolism
    Care of patient - Tuberculosis
    Chest tube - Use of Pleurevac or Thoraclex
    Chest tube - Use of water seal drainage system
    Interpret - Arterial blood gases
    Interpret - Blood chemistry
    Oxygen therapy and medicine delivery via bag and mask
    Oxygen therapy and medicine delivery via external CPAP
    Oxygen therapy and medicine delivery via trach collar
    Perform - Chest physiotherapy
    Perform - Obtain sputum specimen
    Teach and understand - Incentive spirometry
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Glasgow coma scale
    Assessment - Level of consciousness
    Assist with lumbar puncture
    Care of patient - CVA
    Care of patient - DT's
    Care of patient - Meningitis
    Care of patient - Neuromuscular diseases
    Care of patient - Seizures
    Care of patient - Spinal cord injury
    Equipment - Hyper/hypothermia blanket
    Medications - Anticonvulsants
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Abdominal/bowel sounds
    Assessment - Fluid balance
    Assessment - Nutrition
    Care of patient - Colostomy
    Care of patient - Paralytic ileus
    Equipment - Feeding pump
    Equipment - Flexible feeding tube (e.g. Corpak)
    Interpret - Blood chemistry
    Monitoring - T-tube
    Perform - Administer tube feeding
    Perform - Placement of NG tube
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - A-V fistula
    Assessment - Fluid and electrolyte balance
    Care of patient - Chronic renal failure
    Interpret - BUN and Creatinine
    Interpret - Serum electrolytes
    Perform - Insert and care for Foley
    Perform - Urine sample collection (24-hr)
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - S/S diabetic coma
    Assessment - S/S insulin reaction
    Care of patient - Diabetes mellitus
    Medications - Insulin
    Medications - Steroids
    Perform - Blood glucose monitoring: Finger stick
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Care of patient - Hepatitis
    Interpret - Blood counts
    Perform - Fever management
    Perform - Isolation
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Circulation checks
    Assessment - Gait
    Assessment - Range of motion
    Assessment - Skin
    Care of patient - Amputation
    Care of patient - Pinned fractures
    Equipment - Continuous passive motion (CPM)
    Equipment - Support device - Cervical collar
    Equipment - Support device - Gait belt
    Equipment - Support device - Traction
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Skin for impending breakdown
    Assessment - Stasis ulcers
    Assessment - Surgical wound healing
    Care of patient - Staged decubitis ulcers
    Care of patient - Surgical wounds with drain(s)
    Equipment - Air fluidized, low air loss beds
    Perform - Sterile dressing change
    Perform - Wound care/irrigation
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Assessment - Pain level/tolerance
    Care of patient - Epidural anesthesia/analgesia
    Care of patient - IV conscious sedation
    Care of patient - Patient controlled analgesia (PCA)
  • No ExperienceLimited ExperienceExperiencedHighly Skilled
    Care of patient - Central line/catheter/dressing
    Care of patient - Peripheral line/dressing
    Care of patient - Portacath
    Perform - Administer packed RBC's
    Perform - Administer plasma/albumin
    Perform - Draw blood from central line
    Perform - Draw venous blood
    Perform - Start IV (heparin lock)
  • Clear Signature

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